AtYourGate Brings the gita Following Robot to Airports

Chris Hartman
February 20, 2021

AtYourGate has partnered with Piaggio Fast Forward to introduce the “gita” following robot to AtYourGate’s mobile ordering and delivery programs at select US airports.

The gita robot pairs with a person and tracks their path and movement while avoiding obstacles. The gita follows people using vision from an array of integrated cameras and doesn’t use a map or GPS. It can carry up to 40 pounds of cargo and runs for nearly 4 hours on a full charge.

During this pilot program, AtYourGate plans to use gita to engage in “surprise and delight” occasions to promote the AtYourGate service along with the airport or terminal’s commercial program. The robot can also provide the AtYourGate team an extra set of “hands” to carry large orders and offers a unique opportunity to provide a safer, touchless delivery experience.

For more information or to inquire about having a gita robot at your airport contact